Do you have a runaway bag packed, or am I the only one?…
I’ve almost always had a bag packed either in my car or hanging on my closet door. It’s not a lot but enough to disappear for at least a few days.
I’ve never really thought much of it until now, and I’m not really sure why… but I always find myself throwing a bag in the car. Sometimes I eventually bring the bag in and it gets unpacked but it’s not long before I’m throwing the bag back in the car again.
Lol! You have a "go bag" it's a great idea, ya never know when you might need a spare pair of socks or something..I have one too for work mostly. But then I suppose you can always be ready for adventure 👍
I do have a bag with all my essentials for a quick road trip stored in my closet. Of course I make a lot of road trips so rather than unpack I just leave what is in the bag in the bag and thus am ready to hit the road at a moment's notice.
No, my plan is always to make everyone else leave 😏