Mockers of Christ
A mocker goes beyond mere lack of judgment to making a conscious decision for evil. Mockers are without a spirit of obedience, teachability, discernment, wisdom, worship, or faith. Those who mock God will mock the people of God, as well.
Every day, in every part of the world, there are people who mock God. Many go out of their way to blaspheme, to ridicule, and to shake their fist at their Creator. The amount of mockery is disheartening, and its audacity is often breathtaking. God sees all this, and surely He could do something about it. Why does He allow it to continue?
God created mankind with free will. Revelation 4:11 reads, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.
God did not create mindless drones that would simply do His bidding. He wanted children, similar to the way that human parents want children, not as servants, but thinking individuals, complete with their own quirks and personalities. God wanted to have fellowship with us, a relationship with us. True, genuine love is voluntary.
Because God created mankind this way—of course, He did not have to, but chose to—we have the free will to disobey Him, blaspheme Him, and, yes, even mock Him. But we are warned in Galatians 6:7 that God will not always be mocked. The blasphemy and derision are temporary. There will be a day of reckoning, and, ultimately, a man reaps what he sows.
We have the ability to choose good or evil, right or wrong. God also gave us a solution, a way out of sin and into eternal life. Jesus Christ has provided the means of restoring a loving relationship with God, through His sacrifice on the cross. He died for all. Not just some. His love covers a multitude of sins, for the world. Even those He knew would reject him. He still died to save them from the condemnation that sin placed on them. We need to pray for each other, even those who mock God, that they would recognize who Jesus is and why he came. There is no greater love than His. He turns no one away.
Every day, in every part of the world, there are people who mock God. Many go out of their way to blaspheme, to ridicule, and to shake their fist at their Creator. The amount of mockery is disheartening, and its audacity is often breathtaking. God sees all this, and surely He could do something about it. Why does He allow it to continue?
God created mankind with free will. Revelation 4:11 reads, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.
God did not create mindless drones that would simply do His bidding. He wanted children, similar to the way that human parents want children, not as servants, but thinking individuals, complete with their own quirks and personalities. God wanted to have fellowship with us, a relationship with us. True, genuine love is voluntary.
Because God created mankind this way—of course, He did not have to, but chose to—we have the free will to disobey Him, blaspheme Him, and, yes, even mock Him. But we are warned in Galatians 6:7 that God will not always be mocked. The blasphemy and derision are temporary. There will be a day of reckoning, and, ultimately, a man reaps what he sows.
We have the ability to choose good or evil, right or wrong. God also gave us a solution, a way out of sin and into eternal life. Jesus Christ has provided the means of restoring a loving relationship with God, through His sacrifice on the cross. He died for all. Not just some. His love covers a multitude of sins, for the world. Even those He knew would reject him. He still died to save them from the condemnation that sin placed on them. We need to pray for each other, even those who mock God, that they would recognize who Jesus is and why he came. There is no greater love than His. He turns no one away.