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Scribbles · 36-40, F
Good luck! I've got it easy this year. Only hosting two other people. We are making the meal very simple.
Zucchini, mint, and pomegranate salad
Homemade stuffing (easy peasy)
roasted vegetables and Roasted duck (which just needs babysitting)
Persimmon puree, orange juice, gin, and soda cocktails, and wine, coffee, or tea. Plus our favorite storebought snacks. No dessert. None of us will miss dessert.
Zucchini, mint, and pomegranate salad
Homemade stuffing (easy peasy)
roasted vegetables and Roasted duck (which just needs babysitting)
Persimmon puree, orange juice, gin, and soda cocktails, and wine, coffee, or tea. Plus our favorite storebought snacks. No dessert. None of us will miss dessert.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
That sounds so good! I have a bunch of simplistic pallets to accommodate 🙄, so it’s all pretty basic: balsamic vinaigrette pot roast with carrots going in the slow cooker; small turkey in the Instapot; stuffing; deviled eggs; twice baked potatoes; broccoli; salad; crescent rolls with honey butter; friend is bringing yams; pumpkin and apple pies; sparkling cider and eggnog for drinks. Definitely going to have leftovers lol.. @Scribbles