Photo For Today
This is a mock-up image to show the skeletal frame of Keith Martin. The man who claimed the title of "the fattest man in the world" before sadly passing away at the age of 44.
Keith Martin weighed 70 stone (980lbs) at his peak yet this image shows what his skeletal structure might have looked like. It also demonstrates how the human body is not really designed to take all that extra weight. I feel sorry that he had to struggle like this and carry that weight. It is so hard on our body.
I'm praying for all those who are overweight, struggling, and miserable like that. They should be prayed for, not made fun of, and encouraged in their Journey to do better. Being overweight is very painful not only physically, but more so, emotionally. I don't think anyone intentionally sets out to gain a lot of weight. Some have disorders where they can't help it, like thyroid problems. And who are we to judge whether they care or not or are trying their best? That's very judgmental and I believe only shallow people make fun of fat people. Shame on those who do. Some have no support at all and so they struggle alone with this. I noticed no one makes fun of people who are bulimic or have anorexia. Obesity is a disease as well. We also have to remember that some people do not know how to handle that. Let's pray for them. Not make fun or talk about them behind their back. We could actually save someone's life by giving them support and encouraging them along the way. Bullying is not cool. It's cruel. The Bible says to love one another. There is no "if" in that sentence. Our love is not supposed to be conditional upon meeting other people's approval. Nor can they determine our worth.
I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's never easy, and I'm not proud of it, but with God's help I know I can do it and he has really been helping me. I prayed for him to take away my overeating habits and he did. I still must do my part though and discipline myself to reach my goal. My heart goes out to each and every one who struggles with their weight. Hang in there always! You/we can do this! 🥰 🌹🤗