My thinking is stressed, branched out yet condensed to an uncomfortable restless feeling. I just want to say EFF YOU
To all the issues created by these glorified sheltered cultures, the stigma towards female sexuality, the need to sacrifice women's ability to make their own choices for a fake facade of protection, the constant focus on language at the expense of actions, the imaginary religious ideals that have no bearing on reality and only used as a shortcut to an illusion of fulfillment instead of actual social change.
Eff all of that.
My mind is full of issues I had no part in creating. Becoming free from a false idea of purity, or free of the reactionary attitude towards these messed up expectations and sexist concepts of righteousness is next level game.
I will be my best self when no remnants of the fact lurk in my consciousness and sub consciousness making me forget what truly matters.
I feel chained.
Eff all of that.
My mind is full of issues I had no part in creating. Becoming free from a false idea of purity, or free of the reactionary attitude towards these messed up expectations and sexist concepts of righteousness is next level game.
I will be my best self when no remnants of the fact lurk in my consciousness and sub consciousness making me forget what truly matters.
I feel chained.