My ADHD helps me save money
Because I forget that I have it and where I put it 🤣🤣🤣
I put it away then — out of sight out of mind! 💨✨
Today I accidentally found years worth of old, holiday gift cards in a tiny, present box. Clearly a failed attempt at becoming organized 😳😆 Anyway.. thanks past self 🤭
Seriously though… definitely needed this right now with all of the house repairs happening. I feel bad because I don’t have much to offer up financially to make things less stressful. Now I can afford to help out a bit more.
I put it away then — out of sight out of mind! 💨✨
Today I accidentally found years worth of old, holiday gift cards in a tiny, present box. Clearly a failed attempt at becoming organized 😳😆 Anyway.. thanks past self 🤭
Seriously though… definitely needed this right now with all of the house repairs happening. I feel bad because I don’t have much to offer up financially to make things less stressful. Now I can afford to help out a bit more.