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Do you have a life?

I have to wonder if some here on SW (and in real life) actually have a life that isn't centered on their fear of others not like them. Fear of this kind leads to hatred and the hatred seems to take their lives over, leaving them with nothing but fear and hatred.

We all have thoughts and opinions and occasionally we post about them, or talk with friends about them, or walk of grumbling, etc.

Some though make it their life, apparently the only important part of their life and continually seek out any and everything to post that feeds into their fears and hatred of others not exactly like them.

The most recent one I read was something about "You might be a democrat if". This person and others seem to have nothing but fear and hatred in their lives. I feel sorry for them.
Miram · 31-35, F
You will see them bragging about their guns, businesses or karate, as if they have lives.

But the reality is most of politics nuts stay anonymous exactly because there is nothing about their lives worth sharing. No other reason.

It is all lies, words on screen. They been brainwashed to defend those in rule and live on scraps. They are fulfilled by the sense of belonging without putting real efforts to uplift their communities.

Why put the efforts if simply logging into this place and others attacking the other side and getting that instant dopamine rush of conquest and winning fulfils you enough?

They really do not believe in themselves. They are weak by choice too. They choose most of this out of fear, yes.

And I do mean people from both sides.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I have messaged the same user myself on a post saying "Do you post about anything else besides angry political posts?" I told him that perhaps he should get a hobby or pursue other things besides read hate on the internet and create angry posts.

It's not healthy.
Ontheroad · M
@JimboSaturn I agree, it isn't healthy, not mentally/emotionally and eventually physically. Fear and hate breed fear and hate and that is unhealthy for anyone.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Ontheroad He actually assured me he was ok and actually responded to a non-political post in a positive way shortly afterwards. I was nice because I don't think he is a bad person perse.
Lilymoon · F
I love the freedom of not caring if people like me or not. I've had that insecurity before and it's not a good thing. 😕
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It's not only on SW, you can find them everywhere. The worst is seeing the extreme cases gathering under Facebook posts or in Facebook groups. I barely use FB, yet this stuff finds its way to my feed if someone from my friends loses it and calls them out. I think there's not even point in interacting with them.
I think the idea broad numbers of people live only for disseminating fear and hatred like suggested is a lot of bullshit. Are there some? Sure. Just like there are some posting repeatedly to perpetuate such a belief that it is more widespread than it is in reality.
I see so many on this site that are here every day... posting politics, nudes, fetishes and whatnot...
I don't think any of it is healthy, especially if the internet and sites are constantly full of users who are looking to entertain or be entertained.

I can't speak for everyone, but I choose to take a really good look at myself before judging others too harshly.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s sad to see. There are users here that think they run this site and only their opinion matters. It’s really bizarre to me.

I think this site can be helpful but there is definitely toxic people here like the one you mentioned.
TexChik · F
@iamonfire696 I think some members here actually do in a way. Their word to admin is heeded as fact and they have weaponized the privilege .
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@TexChik You are right about that. I have seen it.
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JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Stereoguy Yes you definitely have a rich life from what I see.

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