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You are beautiful. You are enough. You have purpose in this life.

I have seen burn victims that you could hardly make out if they had a nose or eyes and their face was full of scars, but their heart was full of gratitude for even being alive and it showed them that it's not what we look like, but what we can do for others in this world, that counts. They go out and they make their lives count and are happier for it. That's when our lives really count, when we can give to others, love, and make this world a better place. What does all the beauty one could have, really matter, if they waste the life God gave each of us as a gift, and do nothing? That's what would be sad. Prioritize what matters to you and share your life and talents with others, and your beauty shall shine forth like a million stars that light up the evening sky.

You have a purpose in this life. Not to hide, but to fulfill it. Ask God what that purpose is, as we all have one. Just one person like yourself, can make all the difference in the world to someone who needs you, who needs a friend, or a helping hand or just someone to hold their hand. Someone to care. Little things mean a lot to those in need. In helping and doing for others, you will begin to see your value in life and begin to love yourself again. When we take the spotlight off ourselves, we begin to bloom and appreciate the life we have. The great thing is, it doesn't have to be something bigger than life that we do, but the smallest thing can mean everything in the world to someone who needs love and attention.

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
My coworker and I send Bible verses to each other everyday

I’ll send these to her thanks 😊 ♥️
LadyGrace · 70-79
@DeluxedEdition That is so wonderful. God bless you both. I do the same with a friend. It is a blessing for those who do.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@LadyGrace yes it really is a blessing ♥️

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