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What’s going on in your life right now?

I’ve been feeling kind of upset because of my boss(es). They’ve launched a vacancy for a superior for me without even taking the time of discussing it with me or what would change, even though I asked for a convo 3 weeks prior when I heared about their intentions through the grapevine :-)
Then they sent me a mail to inform me about it during my day off 2 days ago, what a way to ruin my day.
Finally had a convo with them yesterday, but by then I felt like there wasn’t much to discuss anymore so I just said I wanted them to be clear about the responsibilities and task devision bc right now, I’m practically doing everything. Not really motivated to go the extra mile anymore like this.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I sure don't blame you. That was a lousy way to treat you and very unprofessional. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
Better learn this early: you are just an employee. Find another job. And when you leave, be clear about why you are leaving. You won' t have trouble finding another job.
What are your options ? Maybe look for something else?
Seems they haven’t appreciated you very much…
kimmy159 · F
@SW-User The person who hired me quit before I joined, and I sent her a random message on that day to ask how she has been doing on the new job. We got talking and they have a similar open position, she asked me if I wanted to apply and I sent her my resume 😅 I don’t want to be considered as a job hopper but I’m also very sensitive about how people treat me. Especially since I put out a whole lot of fires when I joined at my current workplace and still do. I don’t feel like doing that anymore now because of what happened.
@kimmy159 I know how much you’ve given to your job… above and beyond for sure.. seems they’ve taken advantage of it..
I don’t think it would be seen as job hopping
Go for it! You deserve better
LadyGrace · 70-79
@kimmy159 Nope! You're right in doing so. Good for you for taking up for yourself. Apparently they are very inappreciative. I would not have stayed either. Way to go!!
legodood · M
Awwww Kimmy, so many of us are upset to discover all that and have added so many wonderful (and helpful) comments below. The only possible solution involves loads of delicious Belgian chocolate and perhaps a hot n fresh Dutch stroopwafel. Or two! Or four! lol
legodood · M
@kimmy159 That is yummy for my tummy! 😂
Here in America it's all about the syrup with waffles or pancakes.
kimmy159 · F
@legodood Oh yes, I’ve heared ;p I more like flavors to my coffee than my waffles or ice cream lol
legodood · M
@kimmy159 Ahhh yes I like many flavored coffees and sometimes flavored syrups like you say. Too many in fact lol
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
90% of people don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad management!
kimmy159 · F
@Fullmetal I’m starting to believe that good management is becoming extremely rare though 🙈😂
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
@kimmy159 exactly! It's very similar to common sense!
TheGreatLeveler · 36-40, M
Het klinkt alsof je nieuwe supervisor de financiële vruchten (salaris) gaat plukken over de rug van jouw harde werk.
kimmy159 · F
@TheGreatLeveler Haaaa jij begrijpt me volledig ;) idd… de vorige supervisor die me aangeworven had is voordat ik in dienst kwam in burnout gegaan en heeft haar ontslag gegeven voordat ik er was. Er was niets van overdracht, ik moest alles rechttrekken want het was ook een rotzooi. Alles bekijken met advocaten en boekhouders om er aan uit te komen en nu dat in orde komt dankzij mij dmv veel overuren ed, zetten ze een vacature open voor een supervisor. Ze proberen het te doen overkomen alsof er niet veel zal veranderen… ik zei: nou als je dan toch die beslissing neemt, dan wil ik dat er veel verandert. Een financial Director moet dan maar alle last dragen en dan doe ik enkel nog uitvoerend werk 😂
TheGreatLeveler · 36-40, M
@kimmy159 Dat is wel weer typisch dat ze die werven als al het moeilijke werk weer gedaan is. Het klinkt ookt alsof diegene niet veel toegevoegde waarde voor jou zal hebben. Met zo'n hoge mate van verantwoordelijkheid hadden ze je wel een loonsverhoging mogen geven. Of misschien hadden ze beter jou de financiële directeur kunnen maken 😉
kimmy159 · F
@TheGreatLeveler Ah om eerlijk te zijn besef ik zelf ook wel dat ik (nog) niet op dat niveau zit ;) Ze geven me op zich geen slecht loon, maar sowieso zal het voor die finance director wel bijna het dubbele zijn 😂 wat dan weer een overdreven verschil is. Maar eerlijk, als ik dan niet meer met de eigenaar / managing director moet omgaan op dagelijkse basis, is dat het mss zelfs nog waard xD hij kan geen beslissingen nemen, zit over elke 5 euro te vragen wat alle alternatieven zijn, en gooit terwijl zelf elke dag geld uit de deur 😂
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It is so very difficult when work becomes stressful. I hope things improve for you soon.

Right now, I am packing up my house getting ready to move closer to my family.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
still waiting for my bf to come back with the rechargeable tampon XD i wonder how long it took for him to realize the tampon was a lie :P
Looks like job shopping is in order.
kimmy159 · F
@FlowersNButterflies Honestly it would suck though too, this is my 4th workplace in a timespawn of 11 years. Luckily I worked at the first for almost 6 years and my second longest for almost 4. I have good reasons for leaving each of them, but people who are hiring are already starting to assume I just leave jobs easily and that I’m not determined to see something through, which is totally not the case 😅
@kimmy159 Hoping the right opportunity presents itself to you!
darshak89 · 31-35, M
Different different flavours of emotions..
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kimmy159 · F
@Stereoguy plan it as soon as she is better ^^ it sounds like you could both really use it after everything then
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