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TwiddlerofThumbs · F
What now??
You know death is a terrible answer to life’s problems.
You know death is a terrible answer to life’s problems.
AlyAngel · F
@TwiddlerofThumbs that is not an appropriate response.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
What now??
You know death is a terrible answer to life’s problems.
You know death is a terrible answer to life’s problems.
that is not an appropriate response.
I thought I would quote so that other people could understand why I reported and blocked both comments.
that’s why so many people are taking their lives because of morons like that on the internet. If I had the authority, I would throw people like that in jail for murder. Hopefully it won’t be too long either. Oh yes I forgot it IS, going to become illegal to bully people online.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
@NestChicken Dumbass blocked.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I know how you feel I often feel the same , I live day to day .
This too will pass