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I am a wuss potato 🥔

I don't know why I alwaya just cut people out when I don't want to interact with them, instead of having a proper talk like normal human beings.. and then when you meet them by accident, it is always very awkward!

So a couple of years ago i had a job interview and we really hit it off. I left with an unspoken agreement that there will be an offer and that I will accept it. But after thought , I changed my mind and I told the outsource HR that I do not want the job, but the interviewer still contacted me directly and left me messages, none of which I amswered 🤷‍♀️ I don't know why i do this, i could have just picked up the phone and said to him that i don't want the job.

Then I go to my French exam last year, and see him there.. i was so embarrassed, I wanted to disappear and did not interact in person but we catch up afterwards online.. and he held no grudge and turuned out that my first impression of him was right. Which made me feel even more embarrassed. I really need to stop doing this to people.

Says the person who is right at this moment ignoring someone and pretending not to see them 🤦‍♀️
Nanori · F
You lack communication skills
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Nanori what will you do to me if I dont?
Nanori · F
@BittersweetPotato watch u suffer and being awkward for the rest of your life while u could have lots of fun enjoying your talks with people
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Nanori You are so cold 🥔🥺
Classified · M
If you are doing that right now, isn't this an opportunity to break this habit? 😅
Degbeme · 70-79, M
You could try not yelling at them too. 😐🤭
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Miss Gaga is not a wuss

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