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The other day I was asked when was the last time I had prayed. My honest answer, greeted with shocked faces was "five minutes ago."

I have a theory, entirely made up in my own head... but then isn't everything made up in our heads? Like here we are on a floating rock, paying taxes. Y'know the trope.

But i digress. I remember reading somewhere many years ago that if you talk out loud to freinds & family who have passed away they can hear you. I liked that, it was comforting; not least because even the dead can't read my mind! Somewhere along the line i spliced that with the notion that every moment of our lives is happening at once & linear time is yet another thing we made up in our heads. So as possible as any other idea of heaven & earth is that i am currently both alive & dead, both being born & preparing to take my last breath, all in the blink of an eye. & maybe if I talk another version of myself will hear these words, perhaps in her subconscious, perhaps overriding the great many negitive thoughts that bombard our minds every waking moment.

Worth a shot, right? 🤷‍♀️

So I walked alone along Cranfield beach & I prayed; I talked to myself. I told eight year old me that it's okay, it wasnt her fault, & i told forty-three year old me, who will arrive next month, that it's okay, it's not her fault. We're only learning, all these versions of ourselves. We're all just making it up as we go along, & it's okay.
this reminds me of a weird and quite lucid dream i had recently ..
i was sitting in the hall of a unknown house ..
and with me were other people, one of them was 6yo me ..
another was a future 45 yr old me ..
another was my late father ..
and the current me ..

the weird part was .. even my late father in the dream, was me. Everyone was some version of me, it was so real, and so weird.
@SW-User there is a theory that centres around this idea, but for the life if me i cannot recall what its called! Basically it suggests that every person on this earth has a sliver each of one soul so we are in fact all one & our single soul is experiencing literally everything from every perspective all at once.
@SevenTierCrazyCake it blows my mind .. i am very interested in studying this further.
Carissimi · F
I’ve often thought it’s all happening at once. I’m already dead while still alive, and everything happens in a split second. I like your idea. Maybe it’s where our random thoughts come from. Our future/past self is calling out to us. The problem is not only us can hear.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Ohhhh this is so good.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are somehow comforting to me. 😊
summersong · F
I love this.
It's all happening at once and it keeps happening over and over. I remember a quote by Alan Watts that went something like..don't be afraid of death. If you happened once you'll happen again. it was weirdly comforting.
There is no time n place to pray. You see someone or feel for anyone, remember them, visualize their condition, cud be self.
You find yourself praying instantly.
Bless your heart.
Montanaman · M

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