marsbar · F
Nothing today, but I make a difference in people’s lives with my 2 jobs during the week.
@marsbar So good to hear that! 😁
I called my darling sister in law who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. I wanted her to know that I loved her and am praying for her. As usual she cheered me up. Strong woman but we all need to hear we are loved.
@Evegpt soo inspiring to hear that gesture of love & kindness today

I didn't
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Finding my kid some activities this summer that will be meaningful and hopefully particularly fun for them, so they won’t feel lonely / adrift
@WhateverWorks You're a great parent planning ahead for them!
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I try. The last couple years have been tough rearranging our lives because of Covid stuff and returning to public school was a bit of a shock/disappointment for them. 5th graders be savage 😬
I really want this to be a good summer for them n@nightowl99
I really want this to be a good summer for them n@nightowl99
Degbeme · 70-79, M
By leaving the room. ☺️
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JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I helped a friend on here know which of her albums her friends could see. She was worried about what stuff of hers might show up on that new image thread.
meggie · F
I cleaned his house while he went to the football
@meggie a great move there. I'm sure he appreciates it.
meggie · F
@nightowl99 oh yes he did
Lostpoet · M
By staying out of it
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
I don't seem to have done any of that today. Any impact I've had seems more likely negative than positive, unfortunately. But, there is still day left, so there's some hope.
@FrozenWasteland I hear you on that!

I didn't. I don't put myself off on people in some do gooder martyr type mentality. But when it's NEEDED I am there.
@SW-User good answer!

@nightowl99 Thanks! We shouldn't force ourselves on people unless the need is there.

It's still early...
i gave a beggar some money