So many wanting to end it all this morning. 😣 This guy tried the same.
When Dean Sanders was 17 years old, he figured life wasn't worth living, any more. Couldn't see anything good about it, so he went down his basement, prepared the noose, fastened the rope around the thick wooden beam above his head, then kicked the stool out from under himself.
It was worse than he thought it'd be. He thought it'd be quick and simple, but now every strand of nerves in his brain felt on fire, as he struggled for air. His life was going and the whole room seemed to be on fire. He was scared. He had never believed in a devil before.
But God had other plans. And down fell Dean with a thud... leaving him shocked and fighting for air, on the basement floor. Still struggling against the tightness of the rope, he finally broke free, but something had changed. Now he felt grateful, although shocked and confused. The only thing he could figure, was that for some strange reason, God hadn't wanted him to die. The next question that popped in his head, was "WHY???"
In reality, little did Dean know, he had narrowly escaped an eternal nightmare. Nor did he realize, there would never be a way out!!
Suicide is NEVER the answer. People commit suicide, because they wrongly think the grave is the end...OR, that's their only way out. Neither is true! If that's what you've got in mind, instead of escaping your pain and misery, you will drastically intensify it...for eternity. Instead, Jesus says, "Come unto Me, all who are weary and have heavy burdens, and I shall give you rest, as your Lord and Savior. I am your promised Hope and Answer for a brand new life and a brand new beginning. I will never turn you away."
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord. Plans to HELP you, not to hurt you. Plans to give you HOPE... and a FUTURE."
Make your life count for God. It is His gift to you. What you do with it, is your gift back to Him. That's what my Pastor Dean did, some 65 years ago, when God stepped in and weakened that rope. God makes a way for you, where there seems to be no way. Guaranteed! And I've never heard anyone preach as good as Pastor Dean!
Be an honor to Jesus, who died for your sins. A heavenly home forever, can be yours, the second you come to Jesus in prayer and invite Him to come into your heart and life as your personal Savior. Then learn and grow spiritually, as you fellowship with Him daily and read His Word. He will give you peace and joy in your life, that passes all understanding. God bless you!