Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
Join the NAVY!
You get to be on a Nice Clean Ship!
The Ship is Stationed at Nice Big City U.S. Port.... There are great beaches nearby fully equipped with young ladies.
My Destroyer was Home Ported in San Diego and we visited Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Francisco and Portland on short cruises.
The Ship GOES Places, usually Friendly Foreign Countries, with Exotic Peoples and Hot Asian Girls.
I went to Hawaii, Philippines, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Guam on my 1st 6 month deployment.
Army and Air Force bases SUCK and are usually Stuck in the Middle of Freakin' Nowhere 25 to 50 miles from real Cities. Like in dusty deserts and muddy dirty backwoods hick areas.
You'll get stuck there marching around until they transfer you to a Nice Hot Foreign Desert with nasty people, like Iraq or Afghanistan or other places where people Hate you, have Bombs and Shoot to Kill you! And you wear heavy helmet and vest and sleep in dirty hot tents. And the Army sometimes sends you on missions and expects you to kill these nasty people, you can see, if needed.
Even in "war" Navy ships are 20+ miles from anyone with a Rifle or Bomb. Navy Missiles fly much further! No one shoots at them. We didn't even have rifles or helmets or vest or combat gear... No NEED!
Most Navy Ships now are New, Very Modern, lots of cool Electronics and Computerized "War Toys", Air Conditioning everywhere inside.
You get to be on a Nice Clean Ship!
The Ship is Stationed at Nice Big City U.S. Port.... There are great beaches nearby fully equipped with young ladies.
My Destroyer was Home Ported in San Diego and we visited Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Francisco and Portland on short cruises.
The Ship GOES Places, usually Friendly Foreign Countries, with Exotic Peoples and Hot Asian Girls.
I went to Hawaii, Philippines, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Guam on my 1st 6 month deployment.
Army and Air Force bases SUCK and are usually Stuck in the Middle of Freakin' Nowhere 25 to 50 miles from real Cities. Like in dusty deserts and muddy dirty backwoods hick areas.
You'll get stuck there marching around until they transfer you to a Nice Hot Foreign Desert with nasty people, like Iraq or Afghanistan or other places where people Hate you, have Bombs and Shoot to Kill you! And you wear heavy helmet and vest and sleep in dirty hot tents. And the Army sometimes sends you on missions and expects you to kill these nasty people, you can see, if needed.
Even in "war" Navy ships are 20+ miles from anyone with a Rifle or Bomb. Navy Missiles fly much further! No one shoots at them. We didn't even have rifles or helmets or vest or combat gear... No NEED!
Most Navy Ships now are New, Very Modern, lots of cool Electronics and Computerized "War Toys", Air Conditioning everywhere inside.

it's a good way to pay for college
ironsides · 22-25, M
Yeah I'm thinking about going to Pace University after for Marketing
ironsides · 22-25, M
Guess what kid you joined the navy.
yeah, i heard they were looking for a few weird men.
ironsides · 22-25, M
If they're looking for weird I should get Special Forces easily
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You'll regret it. Thats all I will say.
ironsides · 22-25, M
ironsides · 22-25, M
My cousins are in the military so were my uncle, aunt and grandfather
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Please wait til Trump is out of office, there's no telling what kind of crap he is going to start 😟
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MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Either one, but he's more of a loose-cannon.
ironsides · 22-25, M
But there was more evidence she would start something, plus I couldn't back what she wanted with overthrowing Assad and the no fly zone at least when it comes to today's global theater
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Well do your thing then.