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UniquelyMade198041-45, F
I've always wanted children, but sadly because of never happened, and now I find myself getting up there in age as I will be 40 in a month. I think about motherhood and what my children what have been like.
iamnikki31-35, F
@UniquelyMade1980 what were the circumstances

I can鈥檛 carry one. It is what it is.
iamnikki31-35, F
@DarkHeaven what about invitro? *Spelling
@iamnikki I might have considered it at one point but my life has moved past. I鈥檓 gay, so there鈥檚 not a huge need but I do think I would have made a good Mom.
@IndigoSavage You are kind. ty 馃尭
assemblingaknob26-30, F
Nope. Don't want it.
SkeetSkeet100+, F
I rather regret not having one than regret the one I had.
iamnikki31-35, F
@SkeetSkeet correct
IndigoSavage22-25, F
I don't want one because I'd be scared I'd be a bad parent
REMsleep41-45, F
@IndigoSavage This fear alone means that you will try your best and thats all anyone can ask.
I'm childless and far too old to have one.
No, nothing to fear.
smileylovesgaming31-35, F
Your only 26 to 30. They isn't to old to start a family
iamnikki31-35, F
@smileylovesgaming I know. I said I fear getting too old. Then wanting to have one when I physically can't/shouldnt
REMsleep41-45, F
Yes. I always wanted a child my whole life I knew that one day I would be a mom but life got in the way. My deal was that I must be married before a baby. I got married and got my first college degreed job at 32/33 so I felt behind I guess. I jumped into a stressful job and didn't feel ready yet to get pregnant.
I just felt not ready. I put pressure on myself to achieve then before you know it bam 40 now.
REMsleep41-45, F
I will tell you one simple thing. Keep your age in mind. You only have a certain time for best age for you and baby. We can push boundaries but consider a baby in your life plan if it is something important to you.
Everyone constantly asked me when I was getting pregnant(annoyingly) but no one specifically broke this down to me.

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