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BigAssLeech · 31-35, M
You have two posts and both of them are extremely shitty takes. Wassup? You good? Everything alright at home?
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
It isn't enabling anyone to speak facts. And showing support and solidarity when people speak up about the racism and brutality they face is not belittling.
You saying the oppression of BIPOC is "enabled" by speaking about the reality that they face rather than denying or staying silent about it is racism.
That's like saying giving someone a cast for their broken leg and crutches to help them walk is "enabling them". Giving people space and recognition and actions that support them when they speak about violence they endure, is not "enabling" anything. To such we are enabling the oppression of people by listening to them makes it sound like they are the one with the problem. YOU are the problem, and everyone else like you.
You saying the oppression of BIPOC is "enabled" by speaking about the reality that they face rather than denying or staying silent about it is racism.
That's like saying giving someone a cast for their broken leg and crutches to help them walk is "enabling them". Giving people space and recognition and actions that support them when they speak about violence they endure, is not "enabling" anything. To such we are enabling the oppression of people by listening to them makes it sound like they are the one with the problem. YOU are the problem, and everyone else like you.
BiasForAction · M
May be the stupidest post I’ve read on here, and I’ve been here since the beginning
so what you’re saying is, that history and systemic issues doesn’t exist and it’s never made life harder for black people in this country to succeed? key word is “harder.” not impossible. stop talking outta your ass
this doesn't sound like the big peepee jokes you're here for like your bio says
DarkMoon · 26-30, M
So men condemning men for rape would be saying women ain't shit?
CestManan · 46-50, F
You cannot say nor do anything to their liking, it is best to just avoid the subject.
the most inane shit-post of the week, and it's not even Friday yet.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
No I do not support biden
gregloa · 61-69, M
Black people aren’t oppressed, who’s enabled? 🤔