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Has anybody been successful at turning their life around, or putting it back on the tracks?

How, and what did you have to do?
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Dragging myself out of a ten-year+ depression with virtually zero direct support from family and no funds for professional help.

I read and read and read until I found out what was up. Meantime I relied on company of friends from time to time and doused my emotions by escaping into the fantasy of films.

I never lost my faith throughout and if anything that's what stopped me from suicide when it got that bad.

Eventually I started being able to see a little good in the world, and having my faith in humanity restored. Picked myself up, started a career and did well till poor health caught up with me. Never slipped back too far though, so, yeah... Sorry to go on.
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texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
be willing to change course and never give up willing to fail and take risks Iv ehad three "reboots" in my about to have another one
LAlexV · M
Rehab. Lots of therapy. Spending quality time with all of my demons until I could predict them.
Vetrov · 61-69, M
Stopped drinking in February 2000.
Went back to university 2003
Turned into a chubby boy and got tired of getting winded by just going to the kitchen.

Started working out after I woke up one day and decided I had enough.

Been becoming chubby again though this year 🥺 did well for about 12 years
Sobered up.
I've picked myself up more times than I can count but I can't say I've really been successful at getting what I truly want in life
Twice yeah...I’m staying on the main road now. Starting again is exhausting
Luchs · 51-55, M
Oh hayo no.
Yes ♥️
So far, I have succeeded. It's heading in the right direction anyhow. The key thing was identifying what factors were causing my problems and figuring out how to deal with them.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@SW-User I need to sit and write out all my factors and problems. I started on it once but didn't finish of course
@iamnikki Yeah that's usually how it is, or was for me. It does help to write it down though. Once you've identified the problems, you can figure out what you need to do to correct things and what direction to go in.

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