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Akemi · 22-25, F
Imperial is just bad

BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Sometimes, but not always. The metric system makes it far easier to do measurements of anything that requires conversion of units, especially when doing scientific calculations. Units of measurements of temperature is a good example. That's why Celsius is based upon the boiling and freezing points of water, because those reactions are relevant. But in other cases, such as when taking the temperature outside for the weather, I prefer to use Fahrenheit because the increments are smaller and so it's more accurate.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Makes no difference to me, either way depends on what I am doing
I prefer imperial. What I was taught in school.
jackson55 · M
If you have 10 fingers you do the metric system.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@jackson55 In truth, I think both of them are bunk. I'm an astronomer. In my world, the concept of negative units of temperature doesn't exist #KelvinGang 😏
jackson55 · M
@BlueMetalChick Z, I think you call that cold. What would you use instead of a meter or foot?
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@jackson55 Parsecs! 😂

Ok I'm only screwing around now. We do use parsecs, and AU (astronomical units) but those are far, far larger than our planet itself.
I prefer the metric system, but then again I also have used it since I learned anything about numbers.
malizz · 70-79, M

Come back Imperial all is forgiven.

We had real arithmetic in our day. (Pendlebury 1896)
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
I do use it and always have.
fortycreek · M
i like using both

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