TexChik · F
The day I realized I loved my adoptive parents. I had never loved anyone before and suddenly, just like that I was terrified for their safety and demanded to go everywhere with them to keep an eye on them. It was such a heavy burden at first. Mom talked me through it
PrivateHell · M
The birth of my son
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
When a childhood friend who lives by me invited me to her house around Halloween one year and she made me basically blush in front of the other people there by randomly hugging me, putting her hands on my shoulders, looking at me, and then saying "You know I love you, right?"
Effloresce · 26-30, F
Holding my niece for the first time
MarmeeMarch · M
My entire childhood - everything -
btchstfu · F
Finishing uni

I don’t even know anymore. I’ve lost so much...
I’ll have to get back to you in this one
I’ll have to get back to you in this one