LAlexV · M
Both. Everything in life usually falls best near the middle
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
An excess of pride is a deadly sin, isn’t it?
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@QuixoticSoul so they say

It can be both
english · 56-60, M
then you have answered your question ,🤗

I read pride as a defense mechanism..
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@SW-User lots of truth in that in my case
PhoenixPhail · M
It depends on how you wield it. If you use it for your own self-satisfaction, feeling how good it feels to know your own purpose in life, I think that's a strength. If you use your pride to run over people, to make them wrong so you can be right, to think you're better than they are, I think that would be a weakness.
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@DisturbOne I happen to think so too
purplepen · 51-55, F
Mostly a weakness but dignity is a strength. Dignity in my case means I always work hard and try not to bother people too much or depend on them too much. But life does require interdependence in some ways.
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@purplepen dignity, yes. I think that is mostly how I see it, more so than pride.
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
Pride is a tricky word:
It can mean anything from justly earned confidence, to pleasure in your children's accomplishments, to arrogance.
How exactly does pride ruin your relationships?
It can mean anything from justly earned confidence, to pleasure in your children's accomplishments, to arrogance.
How exactly does pride ruin your relationships?
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@PowerofStories I just never seem to give anyone room for error lately. As I get older, i just feel like why should I put up with anything that makes me feel less than or uncomfortable.
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
@Summerbreeze45 That is a tricky one for me too. I tend to err on the side of cutting people slack, but there are circumstances where I think "Life is too short for me to put up with this shit!" I try to set healthy boundaries. But that is easier to say than do.
PhoenixPhail · M
It depends if it's healthy or unhealthy pride, just like it depends if it's healthy or unhealthy shame.
Either can be a strength or a weakness.
Either can be a strength or a weakness.
BiasForAction · M
Pride? Or standards ?
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@BiasForAction maybe both
BiasForAction · M
@Summerbreeze45 always set a high bar I think
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@BiasForAction I always do

I don’t have any. My parents were a mix of shy and humble.
Pride annoys me. Especially at work.
Pride annoys me. Especially at work.
bijouxbroussard · F
It can be either, actually.