greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Consider what you have suffered from NOT fighting. Then you will understand why you must learn to fight.
Find a good teacher who understands your fear and can teach you how to overcome it.
Even professional fighters sometimes have to deal with fear.
Fear has its good and bad side. It can be helpful in some circumstances and can even save your life. Read this book:
The Gift of Fear
by Gavin DeBecker
Generally, in a fight, you need to ditch your fear in favor of putting up a good strong fight. That is where practice, and a good teacher, come in. Take some time to call around and ask questions so you can find a teacher who is right for you.
Find a good teacher who understands your fear and can teach you how to overcome it.
Even professional fighters sometimes have to deal with fear.
Fear has its good and bad side. It can be helpful in some circumstances and can even save your life. Read this book:
The Gift of Fear
by Gavin DeBecker
Generally, in a fight, you need to ditch your fear in favor of putting up a good strong fight. That is where practice, and a good teacher, come in. Take some time to call around and ask questions so you can find a teacher who is right for you.
Torsten · 36-40, M
take self defence lessons
Ynotisay · M
If you took some self-defense classes I bet that would go away.
celine211 · 22-25, F
Use the quarantine to start training physically 😉
What fears you exactly?
What fears you exactly?
Killerilluminati · 26-30, M
@celine211 getting hit I guess