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Can money buy happiness?

Poll - Total Votes: 14
Yes, until it doesn't
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A question we've all heard before that we typically don't bother to consider but studies now show that somewhere around $200,000...

Bro89 · 31-35, M
DK about happiness but from personal exp? it sure makes life a hell lot easier.
@Bro89 Yep, sure does.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Money cannot buy happiness... But it can buy really cool things that make me happy :-)
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Times have changed. Last I read it was estimated anything over about £70K joint income for a couple didn't really add much; I think that's what the statistic was about five years ago in the UK. Maybe I got that wrong and it meant £70K each which might be closer to your figure then.
It sure can. Those who say it can’t, maybe they have never starved. An empty belly is no fun.

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