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To think this isn't weird?

To put my partner of 16 months and his daughter on the same Christmas card as myself and my son? For example writing a card with 'To Annie. Merry Christmas. Love from Jen, Marc (Partners name), Ben (my son) and Eden (His daughter ). We do not all live together as yet.
I am in the process of divorce. Spit last year from my husband
Stop. You are not divorced yet. This card makes you uncomfortable. Something like this is a mutual decision in a relationship. You clearly are unhappy with this. Don't go along with something like this which some may consider small, yet is really large. You know what you think and feel. Talk to him. Be clear. Be firm. And he should understand. Tell me something, did he assume you went along with this? Was it discussed at all? Does he pressure you in other things? I am just curious.
revenant · F
it is weird yes
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@revenant Why?
revenant · F
@Jenni855 sounds too cozy when it is not
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@revenant What do you mean its not?
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Seems a little premature to say the least. If I were a long standing family member and you sent me one my first thought would be that either you're delusional or he was putting undue pressure on you.
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GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Sounds a bit awkward if you are not family unit yet. Your friends and family that know him and his daughter should get a separate card from him I'd think
just because you don't live together doesn't mean you aren't a family. if everyone involved is comfortable with that it's fine
Go with the flow.

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