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Did I pick the wrong major?

Daughter: let’s play superheros!

Little sister: I’m Mother Earth!

Daughter: I’m a little monster

Son: I’m human

Little Sister: * picks up random ball* This is the ball of life. It holds all the world’s power.

Daughter: *kicks the ball*

Little sister: you just exploded your foot

Son: she’s a monster it’ll regenerate

Daughter: *steals son’s biscuit*

Son: *throws ball of life and hits daughter*

Daughter: *cries*

Little sister: Human, you don’t use the ball of life on other creatures!

Son: Sorry little monster!

Little sister: ugh you should know better😒

Son: I’m only human

Y’all these children are 8,6 and 5. I should’ve studied filming or movie production🤦🏾‍♀️
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FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I stop going to College
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@FreestyleArt i finished and cameback for another round
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Game coding
if skills on a game could run the world
my son who is 11 should at least be the Vice President
He still has to study and go to bed when I say to
But if they come up with a mute Dad button
I might be in trouble LOL
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@rckt148 I completely understand that. My son is 6, but he’s like your boy. Incredibly smart, killer vocabulary, and analytical. I tell him he can’t play online until he’s a teenager, but he has a Switch, and 3DS. I have a PlayStation and I let him play against me on it, but never without supervision.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@VioletRayne Yea my sons TV and console is less then 10 feet from me ,,everything he says and his teammates comes through his speakers so I hear it too
Most of the time my grandson is on there too
Both have been raised to set the standard
If a kids wants to cuss or act out ,,they kick them from the game ,,most listen to him though when he tells them to watch their mouths
With all the shows with kids cussing now days
I can't believe the little kids who cuss ,,but not around me they dont
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@rckt148 he sounds like an awesome kid. I wouldn’t worry too much about his gaming
Omg, that’s precious ! Little ones are amazing ! 😊
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard They are too much. I don’t need TV, I just sit and pretend I’m not paying attention to them and viola free entertainment.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. You can always make a change. 🙂

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