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Why do my brothers put me down?

Not that I'm the perfect sibling, but I always seem to find that my brothers put me down behind my back and sometimes blatantly to my face. I always encourage my brothers and tell them how proud I am of them, but they always find something negative to say about. My oldest brother claims that I've been babied and that I'm lazy (I'm really just trying to figure my life out), and my second brother is always telling me that college is a waste of time and there's no guarantee that I'll get a job (which I do understand, but I'm about to graduate and my future is already worrying me). I don't understand why they do this, I really just mind my business not bothering them. Any suggestions on how to ignore them and keep pushing forward.
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JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Because they have weak egos, they can't feel strong unless they make another believe they're weak. You're definitely stronger than them if they feel the need to do that.
Just ignore them. You know you're doing all you can. And if they haven't been supporting you, maybe it's time to stop being supportive of them until they do.
Danez · M
It sounds like they’re jealous of you for some reason and put you down to make themselves feel better.
As far as school... an education is never wasted. It will serve you well no matter what job or career you end up in.
Chaoshead · 22-25, M
Don't take it personally it's just what us brothers do. Especially when it's two brothers, and one sister. 😅
@Chaoshead that's mean.
Chaoshead · 22-25, M
@SW-User I know but when your young you do mean things. Though to be fair my sister is kind of an ass 😤
@Chaoshead idk, I'm just grateful I have good brothers who support me.
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
Wow. They sound like assholes. Too tired to really help you but yeah. Assholes. Lol

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