TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
Considering where in the world you live, it differs EXTREMELY.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@TeirdalinFirefall Pretty much what I was going to say too.
damagedsoul · 31-35, M
@TeirdalinFirefall that is true...
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@damagedsoul Not sure which is worse though when it comes to womens rights, India or Saudi Arabia.
To a degree yes and to the same degree no. One could argue that when roles weer more stereotypical she had it easier. However I believe she felt as if her opportunity and scope of the world was limited.
The Women's Liberation Movement- that took off in 1968 (and that I was part of) changed much for women-and it gave them greater opportunity. However that also brought on a whole slew of issues she never had before or had to deal with before.
Then came feminism, 2nd wave feminist and now 3rd wave---and things just get worse for her-and society a whole- with each incarnation. The human elemant of my movement has long been lost. meroo is being very destructive to the fabric of society.
Magazine and media attack both sexes. Subliminally.
As a female I believe we have it harder. Just not always.
The Women's Liberation Movement- that took off in 1968 (and that I was part of) changed much for women-and it gave them greater opportunity. However that also brought on a whole slew of issues she never had before or had to deal with before.
Then came feminism, 2nd wave feminist and now 3rd wave---and things just get worse for her-and society a whole- with each incarnation. The human elemant of my movement has long been lost. meroo is being very destructive to the fabric of society.
Magazine and media attack both sexes. Subliminally.
As a female I believe we have it harder. Just not always.

@Elandra77 i agree, what people read in media becomes their reality
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
No. I think life is hard, unfair and trouble filled for every single one of us.
EugenieLaBorgia · F
Rich women do and vice-versa with rich men. Poor women , however, tend to be saddled with sum low-down bum who has previously convinced these women that they are edgy 'bad boys' when, in actual fact, they are merely uneducated molluscs sporting a James Dean leather jacket who end up beating them black and blue from their drug-hazed frenzy and finally end up as withered old men scraping the grime from their long, yellow toenails with a knife they have just used for mugging!
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damagedsoul · 31-35, M
@EugenieLaBorgia lol delusional..
EugenieLaBorgia · F
@damagedsoul Are you? Sorry. I didn'tv realize. Normally, I am charitable to the mentally-impaired@damaged soul
damagedsoul · 31-35, M
sorry for what happened to you that one time or what you saw on tv, it must have been horrifying.

I think every person has their own burden to deal with. Can't make this a competition
Denel · 26-30, M
Have you heard of the #Metoo movement
Denel · 26-30, M
@SatyrService Male and female
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@Denel The movement kind of backfired though. Lots of false allegations, employers becoming reluctant to hire on women due to not wanting to risk false suits and controversy in their company. Someone even accused Neil deGrasse Tyson of sexual harassment because he invited her over for wine and cheese after work.
I'd definitely have wine and cheese with Tyson and talk about science and I don't even drink.
I'd definitely have wine and cheese with Tyson and talk about science and I don't even drink.
Denel · 26-30, M
that tends to happen and it’s expected, very nasty people out here. @TeirdalinFirefall
SatyrService · M
not even
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
curiosi · 61-69, F
We did before feminism screwed things up.
SatyrService · M
@curiosi so,, you'd be okay with not voting?
damagedsoul · 31-35, M
@curiosi lol really?

Nopes I dont think so.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Foxyfoxfox · 51-55, F
Periods, hormones, child birth, post partem depression, yeast infections, rape, discrimination, UTI's, etc. Men get to pee standing up lol
damagedsoul · 31-35, M
@Foxyfoxfox "men get to pee standing up" and we deserve it!!! your troubles are insignificant compared to the troubles of a man.
Foxyfoxfox · 51-55, F
@damagedsoul and you're an immature dick
Unlearn · 41-45, M
I don't think on those lines...I feel it's a loser mentality.