revenant · F
I do not know but I would object that people are happier nowadays.
over all welfare is better but that does not always mean happiness is better we had an esier time makeing friends and forming strong bonds between people i might be happier now because i dont need to work as a farmer on the feild but thoes farmers a hundred years ago were able to go out and see their friends any time they finish their work ,my real life friends are always busy plus i work second shift the rest of the world works first, it is very hard for me to see anyone in person and that creates sadness for meback then they did not have many people who worked evenings and nights but they had everyone work like sixy hours a week where we only have to work fourty. so its hard to tell it might seem like we are happier now but money and health dont make happiness.
That’s hard to say. In many ways, we are happier but in other ways we are not! I find that when we complicate our lives and make things harder than they need to be is when we can bring our own unhappiness! Are we really happier? We’ve become so disconnected from the real world when we are glued to our computers & smartphones!!!??? Aren’t we taking the rest of the world for granted???
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It's depends on how we live. 100 years life of people was different. The technology has changed completely. People living before internet had different problems but they had different ways to be happy too.
They probably are when they are sick or in pain and need medical help. Outside of that though i'm not sure people are happier. We have more information so we can know more, but that usually means more stress.
Each century has its own problems. In many ways life, health, sanitation, etc., has gotten better. But warmth, kindness, the simple things in life are on the backburner replaced with hardness, materialism, criticism, hatred and greed.
PhoenixPhail · M
It depends on what kind of development you're talking about.
Our technological development hasn't led to more happiness, just more separateness and loneliness.
Our technological development hasn't led to more happiness, just more separateness and loneliness.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
No. Happiness is not about what we have but what we appreciate.
Did marriage exist back then?
LittlePurple · 26-30, F
Yes @SW-User
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User 😳😅
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
I don't really think so.
PhoenixPhail · M
Not at all.
Exhibiter100000 · 61-69, M
Not really.
bijouxbroussard · F
No, possibly the opposite. I don’t know if it seems like more people suffer depression now because it’s more openly discussed or if there are actually more of them.