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ScottyTaco · 31-35, M
My feelings exactly. To make it worse I have chronic pain from when I got stabbed in high school. I'm still foraging for a relationship, and I only have a few friends now. Everyone is moving away, having families/working rediculous hours, and even a few friends I think have died, or are dying. My parents have gone their own ways. I'm glad my Aunt is still around, and her and I are there for each other. Message me If you want to talk sometime, life is very depressing to be all alone. Eventually you may learn to enjoy the little things in life, because those little things become major events to look forward to.
SatyrService · M
I will fly in the face of other advice
running away CAN give you relief, and a chance to be someone new
worked for me!
running away CAN give you relief, and a chance to be someone new
worked for me!
so we learn and drop all the dead formalities, end the charades. disinfect ourselves from all what is making us feel lost
Echoing · 61-69, F
to build character, prepare you for what's to come, teach a lesson, test your will.
ReneeT · 61-69, F
It doesn't get easier, but it sure is fun to play with it along the way.
Spitbak · 56-60, M
🤔Because without restriction,there's no movement!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I think in hindsight we make it difficult at times
Mahaq · F
It’s ur age don’t panic have patience n b happy
Mahaq · F
Run away and come to me or we will meet
Sarabee · 41-45
stay take it from some one who ran!
Me too