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Why do people forget the road rules?

A police siren means GET THE HELL OUTTA THE WAY!!! It's funny how people don't realise until you're the one that pulls off to the side of the road. And it's like we're playing a game of follow the leader
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Idk how people get license by the way they drive.
yung4oldr · 22-25, M
Ever have an a-hole pass you or other cars while making room for the police?
DoucheBag · 31-35, M
@yung4oldr no, but people don't seem to care about letting police or ambulance drivers pass in this city
yung4oldr · 22-25, M
@DoucheBag I imagine in the city sometimes there just isn't any place to pull over to.
DoucheBag · 31-35, M
@yung4oldr that's true but the roads are still big enough to let them through

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