Johnjo · 70-79, M
It had to come
It will never happen, why? Because vibrators cannot carry out the trash and mow the lawn. ;)
Miram · 31-35, F
Men's purpose isn't just reproduction. They are needed for the very psychological and mental balance of our offspring and our own as well. We need them and it's not some sort of twisted dependency. It's our natural inner workings and the way we've built our civilizations.
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Tiusflow · 61-69, M
@approachingmyexpirationdate or do plumbing
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@Tiusflow 😆 LMAO. You can read my mind!
Tiusflow · 61-69, M
@irishmolly72 and speaking of plumbing.... My ex used to harass the hell out of me whenever i would shave because i was going to clog the drain.
Number one why the hell should she care because you know damn well SHE isn't goung to be the one to unclog it
And number two (no pun intended), i have been unclogging drains since I was knee high to a short duck and i never found the clog and said wow look at all those facial hair. Any man will tell you drains get clogged by long haired female hair!
Number one why the hell should she care because you know damn well SHE isn't goung to be the one to unclog it
And number two (no pun intended), i have been unclogging drains since I was knee high to a short duck and i never found the clog and said wow look at all those facial hair. Any man will tell you drains get clogged by long haired female hair!
newbie · 31-35, F
didn't they have healthy mice in china before this? 🤔
Nimbus · M
Mice won't give women orgasms.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@Nimbus Rapmant rabbits?
Nimbus · M
@irishmolly72 Battery operated :)
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
we had a good run.
MeisterAndrew · 41-45, M
Nah, healthy is a relative term. All artificial reproduction so far has led to genetic regression.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
i can live with that - i'm sure they will find another use for me.
jackson55 · M
It was just a matter of time. 😉
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Someone has to do the manual labor.
Jennagurl · 46-50, T
I do like having some men around.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@Jennagurl I bet you do.
Tiusflow · 61-69, M
Men are good for more than breeding....not much more but i am not worried about this story.
SomeMichGuy · M
To answer your questions:
1) No, of course not.
2) We do not know.
The experiment was not an unqualified success...
1) No, of course not.
2) We do not know.
The experiment was not an unqualified success...
Tickle12100 · 46-50, F
Les hommes et les femmes sont complémentaires les uns ont besoin des autres vice et versa
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
the term "breed" was incorrectly used. To breed the 2 individuals would have to have their genetic material mixed together during the act of breeding, aka sex. That requires some means of accomplishing this. It is one of the amazing things about human anatomy and physiology that the man's penis fits so well into a woman's vagina and that the male reproductive system ends up sending millions of sperm out from the penis and they then can swim up the vagina, through the cervix and fertilize an egg at just the correct spot in the fallopian tube to support the birth of a product of conception. The Chinese managed to use gene editing and to get the genetic material from 2 females to form a product.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@samueltyler2 Shame on CNN. They should have known better. Thanks for setting us all straight!
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@irishmolly72 well, the headline made us both read the article more clearly.
geekturk · 41-45, M
Life always find a way. Maybe women will evolve to breed each other :)

Were the scientists men ?
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F

@irishmolly72 cant be arsed what does it say?
DarkXtecy · 41-45, M
to be honest i think a future world where we guys dont have to worry about breeding would be nice.

Some would hope.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
What if they want a male baby? Where will they get the Y chromosome from?
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@JoyfulSilence good question!
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@JoyfulSilence Come to think of it what's the point of having a male baby?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@irishmolly72 Maybe males could be kept in zoos so people don't forget what they looked like.
xixgun · M
Right. And who will squash the spiders and lift the heavy shit?
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@xixgun True.
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
In ancient times woman ruled and dominated men, then we tried our hand, then there was FLR, and recently #MeToo.. so maybe men just have to chill and let the woman rule again...
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Sorry i never interbreed with mice lol
PhoenixPhail · M
As long as men rule the world, they'll never eliminate themselves.
sissyteddi · 61-69, T
I haven’t felt useful in the reproductive sector for years. That must be a different department to where I function best - in my own panties 😊
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Men will soon be a thing of the past
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
And men can be cloned -- the end of women?
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Well, damn. I wasn't fast enough to outrun science. xD