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Should apologies be accepted?

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Dear: Similar Worlds Community

Recently I have offended a bunch of my friends. It all started on a day I wasn't feeling very great. I was in a terrible mood and I was about to piss a whole lot of people off. Anyways I ended up disrespecting a whole lot of people I was friends with and it took me a while to figure out what I did was wrong. Literally the next day this guy approaches me online helping me figure out what I did was wrong. So anyways I go up to these people online and say I am sorry. Apparently because this was not the first argument we've had that I have had to apologize for they blocked me. Now almost all my friends online even the person that got me straightened out have either given me smack talk or have blocked me. Now I don't know what to do. I know I will never have friends that good for me ever again. The irony is that give them a year and they will probably want to be friends with me again. I am just so pissed off by the smack and the fact they are getting people I didn't even offend involved to hate me. I am so lost I just don't know what to do. I hope they don't ever get over it and decide to like me again because I am just so pissed off at what they have done as a result of this I don't think I want to ever here from them unless they apologize for there actions. Do you think apologies should be accepted? Thanks!!!

From: Fluffy
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Memetic · 56-60, F
You don't need them. Make new friends
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
@Memetic: Well I don't care if you are an angel or not. I truly appreciate that a lot. You have no idea how much you mean to me. Thank you.
Memetic · 56-60, F
You're welcome. Glad to help. Ive a son your age
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
@Memetic: Awesome!!! He sounds cool.
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3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
@TheViper: It's just that they actually took me seriously. Many people probably people you haven't meant want me dead because they are jealous of me. I can't do anything about it because it is not against the law to be charged with hating werewolves and stuff. Besides they actually were going to let me be a werewolf if I didn't piss them off and they are ruining my chances of being a werewolf in a wolf pack by telling other wolf packs that I am a piece of crap or something. I don't know what to do.
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3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
@TheViper: Okay thank you.
Make a new profile and talk to them or either NEVER talk to any friends when your angry stay away from friends
Fluffy should apologize his friends as his friends should do the same thing to him
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
Thank you.
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
Sorry I have no idea what you just said.
Too long; didn't read.
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
@Wilbury: Okay lol.
Apologies do no have to be accepted
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
Goralski · 56-60, M
Somehow you'll live
3dPrintingWerewolf · 26-30, M
I know but life is hard without them. They were someone to lean on for a very long time.

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