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What did you hate about your experience throughout middle/high school?

Honest to god, there were a lot of things I hated about my years in school, but the one thing that will forever stick with me, was the fact that nobody called me Sabrina, no, since 5th grade to senior year high school, I was Wednesday Adams or in some cases Suicide squad to the entire school... The only people who called me by my name were my small group of close friends.

To the kids who called me that, and still do if we ever kept in touch, I despise you!

Sincerely, Wednesday Adams/Suicide squad. 😂
This will be kind of long. 😐
My mother made me do band. I either had to play an instrument or be a flag girl. I chose to be a flag girl because I hated playing the clarinet. The problem I was the worst. I only had vision in one eye but I didn’t tell anyone. I could not catch it when I threw it in the air or when someone threw it to me. I was crucified for basically having a hidden disability. I was called horrible names, no one liked me at all. I quit in 10th grade and I was so happy that I did. I felt free and happy driving by the high school watching the girls practice in the hot blazing sun while I could lay by the pool and relax.
I hated those girls with a passion and one of the girls was my neighbour and she was supposed to have my back. Instead she was a two faced bitch.
I have never completely forgiven her for how she treated me all those years ago. She added me to Facebook and had the nerve to go off on me about something political and I bit her good. She deleted her Facebook and opened up another account. That made me happy. I’m happy with just her mother and brother as my Facebook friends. At least they are nice.
ambernichellle · 22-25, F
One thing I really hated was dress code. I like wearing skirts but there was this annoying "fingertip" rule" where your skirt or dress had to pass your fingertips when your arms were laid by your sides. I have quite long arms so even though my skirt was never too short by my own standards, I got dress coded constantly. Pissed me off. lol
Sabrina17 · 26-30, F
We had that too, luckily I was more of a tomboyish type, the only way you would see me in a dress was if my mother forced me into it. 😆
Middle school was fun for me but that was only because I was extremely naive at that time. There’s way too much that I hated about high school...I guess I despise not having things turn out like I imagined it would. I came in with my lifelong best friends and we were going to all be on the football/basketball team, party hard, and have a great time at school dances like prom and homecoming....

None of that really ended up happening. I had a falling out with them and my life at home fell apart. I pretty much became a loner with a few romantic on and offs throughout high school. But it wasn’t a fun time at all. I remember not feeling anything after graduating.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
Didnt like school, dropped out in 7th grade told my mom i couldnt do it anymore mainly due to bullying at the time i didnt know it was bullying was just fed up of kids being annoying, fed up of the school wasnt my goal school, Think realization of leaving elementary school and growing up it all hit me in that yr.. was too much.. wouldnt say i got depressed but i stayed to myself those yrs locked away in my room. it was honestly more fun in there.
UndercoverBard · 31-35, M
Being picked on for a lot. Mainly for being an oddball and for being tiny.
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
The fact that we had no air conditioning, but kept getting new astroturf fields, administrators that barely existed and pulled down six figures, mandatory "be nice to staff" projects, mandatory volunteer work, and that's before even getting to the problems with the students!

I did not like high school.
Middle school: moving to a new state and a new school. My old middle school was chill and huge.

High school: having to deal with drama.
The relationship soap opera dramas. Boring and unnecessarily dramatic.
I was a short, skinny little nerd with no friends and couldn't fit in anywhere.
I hated that the girl I liked left in 5th grade because she moved away.
kate21 · 26-30, F
going home everyday. school was my sanctuary.
Constant bullying. 😡
Goralski · 51-55, M
D more you know
Being bullied. I fought back in 9th grade and it stopped. But I hated having been put in that position. I minded my own business and studied.
Sabrina17 · 26-30, F
I was the quiet girl, the loner, the odd one out.. didn’t really fit in outside my group. And my family, everyone knew they were deadbeat people. And they hated me for it. Always thought I wouldn’t do anything. And I usually didn’t. Until one time, this girl, I’ll never forget her, she stopped me in the middle of the hallway and started yelling at me, and stayed quiet, and just smirked. Until she pushed me against the lockers, I had had enough, long story short, her nose was bleeding, my nails were tore down the middle, and I still was holding to pieces of her hair.... After that. People were terrified of me. 😂
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