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Spitbak · 56-60, M
🤔Depends on where it might lead! If it bumps up your expectation towards nothing then that would be a negative. If it pushes you to work towards something that may not come to fruition but at the same time gains you something else(whatever that may be) that might be positive, then, why not! Venture not, gain not!
i guess it's better than no hope.
Bad. But i like torturing myself. Lols 😔😐
I think it's bad, it keeps you in a place where you can get stuck and not move forward. Sometimes it's better to just accept it's not going to happen.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I think it's better than blowing yourself up in the middle of a crowd/blowing the crowd up with your head up.
after a certain age it's bad
mrmoose · 70-79, M
it's the only hope i have