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What are three interesting facts about you?


1. I was born without both my upper lateral incisor teeth. I’ve done X-rays and they’re just not there at all
2. I can burp on command
3. I once (accidentally) put the whole back of my hand in a deep fryer
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trackman11 · 61-69, M
Oh wow. Did I miss the starter questions? Seems like three is pretty advanced. Let me see; first, I am not 100% human(this is true, but not nearly as interesting as it sounds). Second, I had a golden retriever who lived for almost 10 years with”megasophagus “. Miss him daily. Third, I am content even though there are only two interesting things about me and one I borrowed from my pet.
I read a dictionary. I wrote a novel. I haven't had a haircut since I was fourteen years old.
I'm terrible

Im a person

And I'm terrible
trackman11 · 61-69, M
I am glad the Grier thing was an accident 😀
Poet626 · 36-40, M
How loud can you burp? :)

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