nonsensiclesnail · F
Or they will know full well what they are when the sandwich changes daily but the wrapper stays moldy. Then they will know there is real treasure inside!
Sirius · M
@nonsensiclesnail but you can fool them with real mold sandwiches one day
GreenGoddess · F
@nonsensiclesnail I was thinking about that but there's an easy fix. Just always bring the same kind. Or you could use food coloring on the actual sandwich.
Sirius · M
GreenGoddess · F
Sirius · M
@GreenGoddess just don't leave them in the sun for too
Prettybrat · 26-30, F
Travelbug · 56-60, F
I've heard of them, but not seen them. Someone I work with brings his lunch in a dog poop bag as people were thieving his food
[image/video deleted]
They'll dump them
Sirius · M
@SW-User but they will be still