cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I know a woman who had over a million $ in the bank 2 years ago and she's went through it by going on vacations, road trips, gambling, dining at expensive restaurants several times a week, shopping excessively, buying a new home & furnishing, etc...and bragging on FB like she has the perfect life. Now the money's gone and there's plans on selling the house and downgrading. Her happiness lasted as long as the money did.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
wow at least she had a good time!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
She wasn't "happy" to begin with or she wouldn't have had to spend it so quickly, it was a poor substitute for getting her $h!t together, and she's affected several family members...karma is a bitch.
This message was deleted by its author.
TheMandalorianCandidate · 46-50, M
What's the song lyric? Money can't by happiness, but it sure can pay the rent

No. There have been countless famous people who ended up dead through suicide
Rich but certainly not happy
Rich but certainly not happy

Money is the anthem of success
raouffreeman · M
raouf freeman :Of course it all depends upon which level of happiness one is speaking of when asking if money can buy happiness. On the most basic levels, money most definitiely can buy happiness. It is genuine happiness to be able to provide medical help for your children. It is quite decidedly happiness to pay rent or mortgage to have a roof over your head and your children's heads. It is indisputably happiness to buy wholesome and adequate food to serve your family and yourself and your beloved four-footed furry friends. It is most certainly happiness to have money for some form of transportation, be it public transit or private automobile, that allows the escape from walking 1 or 2 miles carrying supplies for familiy meals for a day or two. Money can and does buy happiness.
The problem is that when our happiness is met at one level, our desires and definitions of happiness continue in an accretion process, growing ever larger and more complex, and soon the capacity of money to provide is outstripped by the nature of our dreams of happiness: money can't buy happiness in the abstract but it most definitely can buy happiness in the concrete on the first several most fundamental and necessary levels, including an education and accoutraments for securing a well paying job. And it is hard if not impossible to find the love of one's life without money with which to make one's self look respectable and presentable. Money most decidedly can and does buy happiness.
The problem is that when our happiness is met at one level, our desires and definitions of happiness continue in an accretion process, growing ever larger and more complex, and soon the capacity of money to provide is outstripped by the nature of our dreams of happiness: money can't buy happiness in the abstract but it most definitely can buy happiness in the concrete on the first several most fundamental and necessary levels, including an education and accoutraments for securing a well paying job. And it is hard if not impossible to find the love of one's life without money with which to make one's self look respectable and presentable. Money most decidedly can and does buy happiness.
CuriousCutie · F
Apparently not too often, if we can go by how many lottery winners lives have fallen apart. Also, with many people, making more becomes the end all to their existence and creates a lot of anxiety if they think they might lose some of it.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
depends on what you sacrificed and did to earn that money.. But yes money solves a lot of problems.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I think money makes things easier. But i wouldn't ever leave over money problems.

I don't think so...not for me anyway. Money might allow for distractions from unhappiness and it might serve as support for happiness that already exists. But never the primary source.

Can't speak for anybody but myself, so I'm gonna say yes.
Yes because you can buy fluffy puppies :)

to some extent
Waxfoot · 56-60, M
to a certain degree ,yes of course,ask this question to homeless , jobless people and see what answer you get,
raouffreeman · M
No , It makes u satisfied but not happy ;)
Yes ..numbs your miserable feelings at least
Margaret · 61-69, F
I have money
The person is paying because he's a racist and the worst owner ever known
The person is paying because he's a racist and the worst owner ever known