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Who makes you feel safe when you’re in their presence?

Mine would be my grandfather, raised me as if I were his own. He’s gone but when I pray I feel him watching over me.
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User41 · 36-40, M
Honestly. My brother.

He’s NYPD and works in a neighborhood that’s racists twords white cops.

Well to be fair they hate any kind of authority. They hate white cops more than anything. His first week on the job he got called in do to reports of a women being raped. But it was an ambush. He got fired on with automatic weapons when he showed up. Some children were on roof tops trying to drop paint cans on his head.

He has been on the force for almost 10 years now. is routinely subjected to accusations of racism while dealing with the lowest scum on the planet. In his corner he found the guy that was responsible for using a machete to rape an then kill several girls in the projects. He captured a man who raped his niece who was 5. He tried to hid in his moms house. His mom actually peed on the door hoping he wouldnt try to open it in fear her urin.

By brother ran through the door, chased the perp through a window from a second floor window.

But he keeps his job secret from the public. He won’t tell most people what he does. He’s afraid of the backlash he will get. An he’s afraid he will be called a racist.

He does the right thing. Puts his life on the line. hes worries he will receive NEGETAVE recognition for it...

If that’s not a hero idk what is.
@User41 he is a hero.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@User41 I agree in saying he’s a hero. They have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, especially NYPD?! Takes guts man.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
Cool 🙂 How often does he have to step in for you? I mean to handle rowdy custo @SW-User
@ChiRho maybe once a month. He's great tho. They don't get too rowdy when they see him at the side of the stage. He's a big MF.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@SW-User Nice 😆 glad you are well looked out for, I’ve been to a club once in my life and was a pretty crazy experience. Was funny to watch A couple of heavier drinkers get their asses thrown out the door haha
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
To be honest, I really don't think there is anyone.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@LadyBronte You look after yourself? I respect that. I will pray that you remain out of harms way and in safety in life.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
My bodyguard who watches over me while I dance
I don't ever have that. I wish I did, even in memory.

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