I had a really bizarre dream last night - I was in a airport and I was trying to use the showers before my flight ( yes this airport had showers) but every time I went to use the shower I lost my toiletry bag, I was on a loop! I couldn’t take a shower because I just kept on forgetting things it was horrible, then I was in the terminal and I saw my friend josh who had to catch his flight because he had just had his hair cut lol
KDeep · 36-40, M
@SW-User xDxDxD (yes this airport haf showers) that got me haha

Lol 😂 @KDeep
StokedFox · 36-40, F
I've wondered this...

My dreams keep people pretty realistic.
KDeep · 36-40, M
@SW-User same here buuut do u think they actually do exist on earth in some other country? :)

@KDeep I think they do to an extent. We're all influenced by what we've seen and heard. Probably borrowed a memory of someone from somewhere, even if we only saw the person in a brief moment. It wouldn't always be 100% accurate though. 😕

I wish.
SandInMyShoes · 41-45, F
Yes, your brain can't invent faces for dreams so it drags them out of your memory
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