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Are you playing with a full deck?

nah, but i'm cool about it.
TheCaliforniaKid · 31-35, M
My desk varies, 40 to 60 cards standard deck with maybe a 15-17 card side deck. So "Full" is a rather obtuse word in that regard. Maybe run a Red/Black destruction deck with a splash of Green for life. A few artifact status nullifying effects.
Hosking · 26-30, M
I'm playing with the best deck. The kind that's mixed and matched, and I keep gaining different cards so that I can approach each situation from a new angle
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
No... I put the patio furniture away for the winter
TheCaliforniaKid · 31-35, M
Yeppers,'s time to duel!
CdAshley · 51-55, M
Absolutely but mostly the jokers.
aces and jokers only.
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@DancingStarGoddess Deal me in !
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