No. If you love someone you want them to be happy
johnny253 · 80-89, M
No problem. If you treat someone as if they're precious,you won't have to worry about losing them
DisneyGryffindorGirl · 26-30, F
@johnny253 what if that person has a girlfriend/boyfriend and both just found out about the third person
TxOutlawTyler · M
@DisneyGryffindorGirl I’m still waiting for u
Myself11 · 61-69, M
It's just part of life

20 years of marriage taught me that no matter how much you love someone, or how many times they tell you they'll never leave you, if they decide one day their feelings have changed, it's the end, so yes, feeling scared seems normal to me.
TexasOutlawTrey · M
Yes it’s terrifying
TexasOutlawTrey · M
I’ll always love you
TexasOutlawTrey · M
No cuz they get hurt and wanna die