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Whats the most interesting thing that happened to you these holidays?

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@DollyLand are u fine now?
Justme5969 · 61-69, M
@DollyLand get well soon!!
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
i heard from my ex and he wants to have an affair with me
@NiftyWhite then punch on his face!!! 😂
Justme5969 · 61-69, M
@NiftyWhite soooo, are you going to fuck him???
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
@Justme5969 nah. i’m good.
BlackHeart · 31-35, M
I nearly got run over by a car lol
BlackHeart · 31-35, M
Hey thanks man haha i was drunk though so it woulda been a peaceful death 😂
@BlackHeart good to know that u are fine
BlackHeart · 31-35, M
Yes im good haha still living 😁
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Spent Christmas day in a convent which i think is pretty interesting
Lanyx · 41-45, M
Helicopter ride while a paramedic was working on me. Full story will be written soon.
@Lanyx are u fine?
Lanyx · 41-45, M
@everlastinglove Yes. I recovered fully from dehydration whilst hiking in the mountains of South Africa.
@Lanyx Thank God! Next time be careful :)
I overate and paid for it yesterday. 🤢
@SW-User hahahah its the most awful feeling cuz i experienced it too few years back in christmas holidays and never did it again
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