The men are very charming at first and then the women are hooked in
A cycle of abuse starts that's very difficult to escape
A cycle of abuse starts that's very difficult to escape
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@IsGoodEnough Not at all
Abusive men are very charming and romantic at first. It's not the aggression, the abuse the women would have been attracted to but the charm. They are then abused. Trying to leave the men will be all sorry and promising to stop. The woman stays, hopes and the abuse happens again
It's a cycle, and very difficult to escape
Abusive men are very charming and romantic at first. It's not the aggression, the abuse the women would have been attracted to but the charm. They are then abused. Trying to leave the men will be all sorry and promising to stop. The woman stays, hopes and the abuse happens again
It's a cycle, and very difficult to escape
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@silmarilion456 And abusers, aggressive men
Abusive, ultimately aggressive men have personality disorders, are manipulative and are unable to love. The women involved with them find this out too late
Abusive, ultimately aggressive men have personality disorders, are manipulative and are unable to love. The women involved with them find this out too late
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Anger is the only socially approved "male" emotion. So, I think it might be due to viewing anger as masculine, if some women are drawn to it.

@IsGoodEnough Google "Cycle of Abuse"
The women are attracted to the very charming aspect of the abusive man. The aggression kicks in later after the relationship has started
The women are attracted to the very charming aspect of the abusive man. The aggression kicks in later after the relationship has started
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@silmarilion456 Again
The women are not attracted by the aggression, which is hidden at first
I see many loving men. Women are attracted to good providers and as abusive men are often driven, are narcissists they appear to be good providers - the aggression is revealed later
The women are not attracted by the aggression, which is hidden at first
I see many loving men. Women are attracted to good providers and as abusive men are often driven, are narcissists they appear to be good providers - the aggression is revealed later

Meh, I've been doing well in my love life and I'm rarely angry.
IsGoodEnough · 41-45, M
@SW-User gee way to contribute

@IsGoodEnough Just providing myself as an example that there are exceptions.
IsGoodEnough · 41-45, M
@SW-User no shit that's why I said some women
th3r0n · 41-45, M
They are, it's what they're used to and for a woman who has never seen legitimate dominance or actual legitimate strength in a decent man it's the closest thing in their mind to it.
Are they? Many aren't, for sure.

Those are the special kinds of women
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@silmarilion456 see this is what I don’t get..how can people think they know about the world when they don’t even know themselves. The stereotyping what goes around here seems to be very accurate about westerners. The ego is through the roof aaaand that’s where it stops,nothing behind it.
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EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
Prolly for the same reason(s) men are attracted to mean women.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@silmarilion456 Some pretty women are mean inside. Many women who are pretty on the outside are actually ugly on the inside.
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EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@silmarilion456 Men who have married the wrong woman more than once--don't.
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Haha I don't like him much when he is angry..he looks cite but na
I’m not even attracted to regular men. 🙄

I don't understand women. I don't even bother trying; every time I have, they seemed to arbitrarily change then changed back when I gave up. It's fucking weird.
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