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Depression is great isnt it? *insert sarcasm*

Living a life of comedy everyones laughing except the comedian.
Gaminglife · 31-35, C
@whateverhappens its totally the best. god wheres all this sarcasm coming from?
Miram · 31-35, F
Lot of people fake it these days. The word must be great, yeah.. As a tool to get noticed.
Gaminglife · 31-35, C
@Miram personally fed up of being like this which makes me feel worse its like trying to get out a hole by digging down
Miram · 31-35, F

Is fallout about shooting people? Do you like to blow things up?

Smashing stuff, punching may help with the frustration.
Gaminglife · 31-35, C
@Miram fallout is but its more an escape in that world Im not me Im free of everything but its a bit sad that a game where the worlds to destroyed is my getaway from feeling the same in my own life
Ahhh yes, the tears of a clown, when noone's around .... takes alot to pull that off.
Gaminglife · 31-35, C
@SW-User just fed up of it
@Gaminglife Letting out some steam is good, hope you feel better soon.
Gaminglife · 31-35, C
@SW-User I hope it does thanks

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