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So um.. i know this is a bad place to ask for advice but im kinda desperate..

soo.. im in a situation long story short (because im sure most of you will be too lazy to read all of what i was going to post..) but um i need to move out.. to idaho (i live in Cali) like as soon as possible im 18, have around $1,100 no drivers license yet due to..circumstances.. i have no job nor have i worked before and my friend wants to move out as well due to similar..circumstances. would we be able to survive paying rent and getting to idaho? we would only need to last until we get some sort of income.. the answer is probably simple but i tend to really overthink things.. so.. if you think you can help by giving some advice.. message me.. please.
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StaticNightmares Best Comment
gee i dunno man.. maybe its better to wait..
@StaticNightmares yea.. maybe but what if im too late when the time comes?
@SlightTheOdds then you try again until you get it.. you never know if you never try.. she's counting on you..

Some1Else · M
Find a possible job online first!
Read the Online Help Wanted Ads for whatever city you're going to... Call them, talk, maybe get a verbal commitment from someone... Same with where you're going to live, find a roommate needed situation!

Do all of this ahead of time!
Computers are fabulous! Use them as much as possible!
Then maybe it'll all be just ready when you ride the Greyhound Bus there!
Zer0Point · 36-40, F
It depends on how you'll be getting out there and the cost for that. Where you intend to live, do you have an apartment or room you know you want to look at there beforehand? Is there work available in the area you're moving to? $1,100 doesn't seem like enough. Not for the cost of the trip and deposit + one month's rent on a place, unless you know people.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Well, tough place to start from. But i guess it's possible !
Why Idaho ?
Is there somebody there who can put you up for a while ?
That'll put a strain on your friendship/relationship, until you manage to find a regular income.
With regard to getting there. Do you need to transport just yourself and a bag/case or does it mean moving a houseload ?
Big difference in cost if you intend to bus it all the way or if you need to hire movers !
@Picklebobble2 no.. no one will put up with me at this point although i still dont know what i did wrong lol and yea.. she'll put up with it..
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SlightTheOdds You have a specific place to stay ?
@Picklebobble2 well in at my parents currently but.. tbh we are sick of each other..
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Just give the dealer his suitcase back.
Kumbayakid · 61-69, M
Just go with it. It’ll all work out! Somehow.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
If you never try you will never know.

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