sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi misaki
No I am delighted by everything. I have a Universal state of mind in which I take responsibility for my own education. Being an autodidact takes away power from Professors. School is very hard because it is institutional in nature. Education should be self directed and at your own pace. What is happening to you is you are being trained for a life of work doing things at other's bidding and at their pace. Maybe you need to do as they say to get a job? Still remember it is you life not their's.
Best wishes
No I am delighted by everything. I have a Universal state of mind in which I take responsibility for my own education. Being an autodidact takes away power from Professors. School is very hard because it is institutional in nature. Education should be self directed and at your own pace. What is happening to you is you are being trained for a life of work doing things at other's bidding and at their pace. Maybe you need to do as they say to get a job? Still remember it is you life not their's.
Best wishes
misaki · 26-30, F
@sogdianrock thanks
Trevo · 26-30, M
I'm sorry to hear that, but college/University is just like that. Professors are just doing what they're supposed to do. Don't hate them for it

When I was in the Army yeah I did
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
That's called school.
Exhibiter100000 · 61-69, M
I can sympathize with you. I was same way when I was in school