LadyWioness · 56-60, F
No. One day, I was 12. The next, I was 30. Now I'm 52. It's flown by

If you are sold, it is a state of nil.
If not, you are just lost.
Failed to follow the light that should have lead you to your next dot in life.
There's no cure for life not money, not lust, not love, not fame, not power, it is just how you hold on to beauty after all this hardships of life.
In short, never lose faith and light as you move stages by stages of your life.
If not, you are just lost.
Failed to follow the light that should have lead you to your next dot in life.
There's no cure for life not money, not lust, not love, not fame, not power, it is just how you hold on to beauty after all this hardships of life.
In short, never lose faith and light as you move stages by stages of your life.

I believe if you keep saying "No" and refusing what the universe is offering or challenging you then you are still stuck up for the same state.
Motleycrue667 · 46-50, F
Dreams are like real life, heaven and purgatory are like real life, so really, we aren't dead, but just not in the place we will be at forever yet
SagePoet · 70-79, M
this place is a cake walk compared to purgatory. I just turned 63 and have lived life, and my life doesn't feel like forever, it flew by, so live your life and stop with all this stuff

@SagePoet Tragedy is when he does not know where and what to live for his life, because he is being obstructed.
TheSettingSunIsCrying · 26-30, M
What is unnatural about life. The way you breathe eat or sleep does it not make sense to you
maybecrazyTom · 31-35, M
how do you know you haven't been dead for 52 years with no memory of your past life? Can you even know that?