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I Am a Democrat

More On Brian Kemp's Scam

Talking points Memo
November 4, 2018

It turns out the backstory to Brian Kemp's accusation against the Georgia Democratic Party is about as stupid as you can imagine.

According to this report, a voter found the vulnerability, (then) alerted an attorney for the plaintiffs in one of the on-going lawsuits against Kemp's office.
That lawyer alerted the attorneys for Kemp's office.
There apparently were a couple of lines of communication.

But the gist of it is this.

There was a security vulnerability for the system Kemp is responsible for securing.
His office was alerted (about) the vulnerability.

Then, instead of focusing on fixing it, he put out a press release accusing the state Democratic Party of trying to "hack" the state system.

Read story, click on link to the report,
"More On Kemp Scam"
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Scott Walker: "I am the most detestable state-level politician in this country. There is moral outrage I will not commit in my craven quest for power."

Brain Kemp: "Hold my beer."
Brother ! Talk about desperate. The GOP is willing to steal the election if they have to. Trump does indeed represent them and their (lack of) values.

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