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Barnoshabs · 51-55, MNew
@YourMomsSecretCrush agreed!!!
This makes me hate people
Barnoshabs · 51-55, MNew
@pripyatamusementpark thanks for the support! My wife has such a huge heart to help anybody in need and we spoke about the USD $500 this POS needed to fix his phone but unfortunately...things escalated the last few weeks and she just let me know she has now given this POS just under $20K to people he claimed were his associates needing cash to help him out!
Barnoshabs · 51-55, MNew
this POS convinced her to send money to his "associates" via PayPal to "friends & family" so we could not dispute with PayPal and she does not use PayPal and did not know!
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Barnoshabs she did not know what...? That's an awful lot of money to just "not know" you're giving to other people.
Barnoshabs · 51-55, MNew
@Starcrossed she actually was instructed to give small amounts to multiple random people she did not know by the scammer, e.g. $1500 here and $2500 here and $5000 here...the ultimate goal according to the scammer was give 10% of $70K and he will give her $70K and she can then keep $20K...she was just trying to help him and said I only want the money back I gave you and not any more.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Barnoshabs she wanted her money back so she gave more?
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