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Creepy men

Men on here will dm you on some weird shit then turn around and get mad because you’re not okay with that weird shit. Then when you vent about it other men will tell you that you’re mean or say shit like “what if he didn’t mean to be” completely missing the point that regardless of intention. It’s still weird and if they “didn’t mean to” then they shouldn’t have a problem with me stating that im uncomfortable.

But men will do what men do best, always find a way to blame the woman✨
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GabbySA8 · F
Thats why I filter them out💅🏻
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Gotta love mansplaining
littlelia · 22-25, F
@deadgerbil what would we do without it? Live our lives in peace??😂
tigard · 41-45, C
@deadgerbil I loovve the term 'mansplainin.' It's what a desperate woman says when a man makes a point to which she has no intelligent response. It's a coward's way of closing down a conversation lol.
littlelia · 22-25, F
@tigard men☕️ @deadgerbil
Thanks for clearing all that up 👍
littlelia · 22-25, F
@littlelia what
Unhinged · 100+
Yes, lots of creepy men. Lots of nice men too. I'm a tongue wagger used to all kinds of insults.
Some people are creepy af. 🙁
tigard · 41-45, C
Some girls are sooo hypersensitive and lack the ability to handle simple social situations without exposing their misandry. sheeesh
littlelia · 22-25, F
@tigard I can’t tell if this is satire or you’re being dead ass😂

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